The perfect day is all about balance, growth and happiness. It’s about feeling like you accomplished something that moves you closer to your goals and to your ideal life. With that in mind, here are some things you can implement throughout the day to bring you back to your perfect day.
- Commit to learning something new every day.
- Be kind to yourself and others.
- Reach out to friends and loved ones with a phone call or text.
- Read something that inspires or motivates you each day.
- Stay offline whenever you can.
- Look for opportunities to challenge yourself.
- Remember all the things you’ve accomplished thus far.
- Create solutions for problems.
- See challenges and setbacks as learning experiences and opportunities for growth.
- Put your all into everything you do.
- Slow down and enjoy right now.
The details of a perfect day might look different for everyone, but remember you can create your perfect day by getting clear on what that day means to you, highlighting the exact things you need to accomplish, and remembering to reflect on both successes and failures. In time, the perfect day will become a ritual that you keep coming back to without even thinking about it.