Here’s the thing, though: the calories in beer can add up quickly. A can of beer has roughly 180 calories, some 50% more than a small glass of wine. For the most part this difference comes down to mostly empty calories with little nutritional value. While there are a variety of low-carb and light beer options to choose from, beer might not be the best choice if you are struggling with weight loss or weight maintenance. Also, as with any alcoholic beverage, there is always the chance for negative effects like hangovers from over indulging or even alcohol dependence.
So, which drink is actually healthier? Beer is definitely the more nutritious of the two, thanks to its protein and fiber content - but it doesn’t actually contain enough of these ingredients that makes it a substitute for real food. Wine boasts its higher levels of antioxidants and polyphenols which are great for heart health and can potentially provide some anti-aging benefits, but, as with beer, it's probably better to up our antioxidant consumption through whole foods. Since moderate drinking of any alcohol is linked to better heart health, lower cholesterol, and even better mental wellbeing, and you probably aren’t drinking for the health benefits anyway, you might as well drink what you enjoy.